Seven Summits Centre for Learning (Visions for Small Schools Society)
Mon-Thurs, 8am - 3pm
About Us
Seven Summits Centre for Learning opened in Fall 2013, as a high school option for education grades 8–12 in Rossland. As innovative educators, 7S blends the best of the online digital world with the traditional to make an exceptional, blended, learner-centered high school alternative, which is academically robust, technically advanced, and equipped to empower youth.
Highly qualified BC-certified teachers who love their subjects share their knowledge face-to-face in small groups, one-on-one time is given to those that need the extra boost, and experts run authentically engaging workshops and talks.
We pursue adventure, fitness and personal growth in nature’s playground and learn by doing on exciting field trips. We blend all this with supervised access to a full range of courses delivered in virtual online classrooms. Imagine mapping a journey in courses that really interest students, and at their own pace. Motivated learners really can have it all. They become the co-author of their own learning, an architect of their own destiny. Join us to - Create Adventures in Learning!