Garden of Eden Flower Shop
FloristsGifts & Specialty ItemsRetail / Shopping
About Us
Garden of Eden FTD flower shop
2019 / 2020 Award winning florist Best Flower shop in the Kootenays
40 years' experience, family owned since 1971, Westdale Florists Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario
Daily delivery to Trail, Castlegar, Rossland, Fruitvale, and Montrose
For special moments and occasions, order online 24/7 at www.trailflorist.com
We'll help you choose the perfect flowers for the occasion.
Love is life...and if you miss love, you miss life. - Leo Buscaglia

Rep/Contact Info

Catherine Manna
Owner and Floral Designer
- Phone: (250) 364-5678
- Send an Email
- 947 Spokane St. Trail BC V1R 3W7